
Anne Marie Wagner

In the mind

“In the mind-body skills workshop, I am learning new ways to relieve stress and improve my thought life.  My favorite mind-body lesson thus far has been “Dialogue with a Symptom.”  During that particular group meeting, I learned during that getting stuck in an emotion can lead to negative outcomes.  Since that lesson, I am making meaningful changes in my life.  Dr. Greenwood is very encouraging of the comments I have made during weekly “check-ins.”  Journaling has also been a very eye-opening experience and has lead to my own self-discovery that I do not need to bow to my feelings”


Peggy Hool
I AM...

“I am finishing Dr. Greenwood’s course, and I have been very pleased with the content of the class and the manner in which it is presented. I have taken any number of stress reduction/meditation/mindfulness classes, but this is the first one that went beyond closing your eyes and breathing deeply! The specific skills that are presented each week give the participants strategies that increase self-awareness regarding the mind-body connection. Dr. Greenwood pairs the skill practice with instruction about the research-based biophysics behind each strategy. The small size of the group allows for comfortable sharing and listening.
Dr. Greenwood’s training as a certified mind-body skills practitioner AND a physician gave me confidence in what she presented.
Attending this class has been a gift to myself!”

I participated

“I participated in the Mind Body Skills Group twice and each time gained so much. I am so grateful that Dr. Greenwood offered it. I learned so much about myself and the importance of self-care. She provided many techniques to reduce stress, increase calmness and mindfulness. Each evening, I looked forward to the group. I will be forever grateful that I took the time to do this for me.”


“Dearest Dr. Greenwood,

Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for your helping me to be and live my best life. We were introduced a number of years ago by a mutual friend. We nodded and smiled graciously, little did I know that you would become my friend and life coach. I have had the opportunity to attend two of the Mind Body Skills workshops; the benefit there is that while you were helping me to unravel my life challenges, each step I was able to implement the many techniques that had been learned in years and weeks prior. The most interesting thing of all is that our working relationship actually began with you helping my younger daughter to better transition between the move from high school to college. I thought I was fine, just living my life and making the best of my family’s life challenges. After attending the second Mind-Body Skills workshop/ refresher I realized that life coaching could be helpful in my moving towards living at least a better life. After all, while living with a very strong-willed elderly parent and a husband of 37 years, life could get better, right? I decided to embark upon Life Coaching. I recognized that I needed to explore the relationship with my mother and strengthen my relationship with my husband.
I did not realize how things could change in 2 weeks. My mom was hospitalized, diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer and subsequently died. Thank God I had already begun exploring the relationship with my mom and I; if I had not, I am not sure how I would have handled her death. You helped me to navigate the test results, the roller-coaster emotions, the hospice considerations and finally her death. Who can so seamlessly walk with someone through all of those life stages? What I now more clearly recognize is that living one’s best life is not easy; it takes work, introspection, mindfulness, self-awareness, and an angel used by God named Dr. Lindiwe Greenwood.
